Course Description

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Engineering, Education, Mathematics,Trigonometry 


Provider Set:

High School 

Grade 11, Grade 12

Material Type:
Lesson Plan 

Media Format:
Students analyze a cartoon of a Rube Goldberg machine and a Python programming language script to practice engineering analysis. In both cases, they study the examples to determine how the different systems operate and the function of each component. This exercise in juxtaposition enables students to see the parallels between a more traditional mechanical engineering design and computer programming. Students also gain practice in analyzing two very different systems to fully understand how they work, similar to how engineers analyze systems and determine how they function and how changes to the system might affect the system.

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Custom License
We encourage wide-spread use of TeachEngineering content by "Academic Users" (individual educators and K-12 organizations, including government agencies using the TeachEngineering digital library on a nonprofit, non-commercial, internal basis solely for use by their own employees, for such employees' training, research, curriculum development and teaching purposes). Such Academic Users may use the TeachEngineering digital library on an internal basis without any fee or cost, to access, link to and use, or in any manner alter, modify, revise, copy, edit, translate or digitize TeachEngineering digital library collection content. TeachEngineering may not be used for any direct or indirect commercial purpose or advantage, or for any distribution outside the Academic User's organization.
Copyright Holder:
Regents of the University of Colorado
Use Guideline
Conditions of Use: Read the Fine Print

Curated OER

Course curriculum

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    • Python Calculus