Course Description


Applied Science 

Upper Primary, Middle School, High School,Community College / Lower Division

Material Type:
Activity/Lab, Data Set, Diagram/Illustration,Full Course, Game, Interactive, Lecture 

Media Format:
Downloadable docs, Graphics/Photos,Interactive, Text/HTML, Video, Other
How to make a game app from scratch? This course will let you develop small games, which you then should modify to have your graphics and sounds and own code, to change the game design. The final product can then be ported to mobile phone or tablet devices, bot Android and iOS (requires macOS, XCode, AppleID). The material consist of text, which should ideally be printed and video guides, as well as a software package for Linux, macOS or Windows operating systems.

Conditions of Use:

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Use Guideline

Conditions of Use: Remix and Share

Curated OER

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Start Gamedev